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Here is some of the essentials that you'll need while traveling.

Backpacks | Cameras | Other Equipment 

I get my backpacks from Mountain Warehouse, I worked there for 8 months before going traveling and they are good value for money if you get them at the right time. Mountain Warehouse regularly do offers so just keep an eye out.

Here are the backpacks I have used while traveling. It really depends how much stuff you want to take, but the 65L large backpack was perfect for me and then I upgraded from a 20L to a 40L because I need to larger 2nd bag, the 40L is also the perfect size for cabin baggage for a flight. If you're traveling around Asia you may prefect to take the 20L backpack as it is easier for day trips. I moved to the 40L when I went to Australia for 2 years and was moving with more stuff.

Search for everything you want at mountain warehouse or click on my bags of choice to go straight to a specific bag.

Find the Equipment you need for your trip

65L Large Backpack

40L Medium Backpack

My Backpacks

20L Small Backpack



I know people sometimes question whether to take a camera with them when traveling, I enjoy myself from traveling in Bali and when I don't have a camera I massively regret it.

I use a Canon Powershot SX500 and I absolutely love it. The one I have is no longer for sale but the Canon PowerShot SX540 HS is the closest thing to it.

Find other great Canon products here

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