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Hi, I'm Robert Shackleton. I went to Loughborough University, studied Maths and I was a pretty standard university student. Enjoying my Semesters not doing much and then I would have a massive panic and cram come exam season. I got my degree now so it's was all good.


After finishing school until 18 then 3 more years of Uni I knew I wanted to get out and explore the world but not having much money after finishing Uni I moved back in with my parents and got a part-time job in retail. 

Anyway, I worked at home for 8 months and thanks to my parents paid next to no rent so managed save enough to go travelling around NZ and South East Asia. IT WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE and now I want to share my travels with you.

If you want to travel this page is full of my personal suggestions, tips and experiences.


Pick your destination 

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